Assistance with learning relationship skills, social skills, and communication skills.
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm and by appointment before or after hours to accommodate needs.
210 Court Street #107 Watertown, NY 13601
Services for a person 18 years of age and older with a disability who is employed to maintain and/or advance their employment. Services may include: time management, communication skills, accessing workplace supports, job training, etc.
Services are often offered 1 to 1 at the place of employment.
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm and by appointment before or after hours to accommodate needs.
210 Court Street #107 Watertown, NY 13601
Many of NRCIL's services can and are delivered by a peer. Peers are individuals with lived experience. Peers can also work with individuals as a mentor/coach/support in a variety of areas.
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm and by appointment before or after hours to accommodate needs.
210 Court Street #107 Watertown, NY 13601
Assistance and support in overcoming barriers related to behavioral health conditions for adults who have a disability.
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm and by appointment before or after hours to accommodate needs.
210 Court Street #107 Watertown, NY 13601
A drop in group for transition aged youth to explore options after high school.
Every Tuesday 5:00pm - 7:00pm
210 Court Street #107 Watertown, NY 13601
Love and Logic is an approach to parenting that focuses on the science of caring and respectful relationships. This class offers small, steps and techniques for parents to implement to help support their families. Also available "Supporting Youth With Special Needs"
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm and by appointment before or after hours to accommodate needs.
210 Court Street #107 Watertown, NY 13601
Family Peer Advocacy - meets with parents and enables parents to become effective members of their child's medical and educational team. Parent Groups - Opportunities for parents of children with disabilities to meet other parents.
Love and Logic - Parenting Support
When Anger Controls Kids (WACK) - Youth Class
Strong Teens - Youth Class
SPARK Program - Youth Class
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm and by appointment before or after hours to accommodate needs.
210 Court Street #107 Watertown, NY 13601
"Do you ever feel like you're alone? Do you have concerns about Addiction Recovery? Do you feel misunderstood or judged?
Talk to a peer who has walked a similar path."
A group for transition aged youth to explore options after high school. Currently open and located at South Lewis High School.
5520 Jackson Street Lowville, NY 13367