Single Point of Access for Children (C-SPOA) links children (17 years of age and younger) with severe mental health or behavioral difficulties and their families to services best meeting their needs.
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Free services for parents experiencing an unexpected pregnancy. Services may include: Tests, first sememster ultrasound, prenatal parenting education, fatherhood education, referrals for adoption and/or community supports, supports after miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion.
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
"Senior Clubs serve each area of the county. Please contact the president from your area to see what activities your club offers."
2nd & 4th Wednesday of the Month - 11:30am
"Senior Clubs serve each area of the county. Please contact the president from your area to see what activities your club offers."
3rd Wednesday of the Month - 11:00am
"Senior Clubs serve each area of the county. Please contact the president from your area to see what activities your club offers."
3rd Wednesday of the Month - 5:00pm